

Where a sick ex-researcher has collected a fair amount of material about Mold Illness, Lyme, EBV, and a few more, while doing her best to survive and thrive.  Expect academic references, rants against the system, and a lot of talk about food

All the treatments, remedies, protocols and healing practices I share I picked up from well known sources and I did my best to make sure they are all properly referenced. I wanted to bring my testimony and "anecdotal evidence" about the effectiveness  of less official  treatments, and  add a couple of  "street signs"  in the vast (and sometimes dangerous) territory of alternative medicine and healing.  It's not my role to say how the current medical system is broken (anyone with a chronic illness or rare disease  knows that it IS broken), I just want to share what I have done to improve my own  personal situation.  This blog's name "All My Treatments" hints at another never-ending soap opera, "All My Children".

First of all, I am not a doctor

I just get really annoyed when I hear that someone is diagnosed with something “incurable” and/or “idiopathic”.  Sometimes that may be true, but most times it isn’t. 

When I had my own “you are incurable” experience, I was mostly in a wheelchair with a diagnosis of ME/CFS and fibromyalgia.  It took a lot of work, a rigorous scientific approach and lots of curiosity to navigate the uncertain waters outside of conventional medicine. Thankfully, it worked. Over the years I picked up other, different problems, and each time I collected a number of possible solutions.  I can’t guarantee that the same things I did will work for everyone, but I decided to create this blog to share my sources and make the point that if we use the tools offered by integrative and/or functional medicine, there MAY be a solution to, say, 80% of those “incurable” health issues.  So, in a nutshell, please don’t give up, keep researching. I hope some of the material shared here can be useful to someone.

Featured Posts

You can start from these, or, as the button says, view all posts

Chronic Illness: Treating The Unknown

How can a doctor tell me that there is no cure, when they don’t even know what the cause is? I see this not knowing as a positive, that means that everything is possible. Enter functional medicine. 

My Mold Toxicity Story

The second I stepped into that house, the sickening smell of stale curry made me feel ill. But I was convinced  that all my symptoms were caused by an allergy to dust mites. You probably know how one finds all sorts of excuses to stay in the realm of the known.  

Why I Love Juicing

The most convincing part of the movie was seeing this guy juicing from the back of his car,  as he traveled from town to town all across America to convince sick overweight people everywhere to turn their lives  around.  

Books, Books, and More Books

Reviews of the books I read

“In et fringilla purus volutpat viverra sed felis nibh ullamcorper massa, turpis malesuada faucibus sit tristique ut natoque vel adipiscing nisi, vitae nec.”  

Boundless healing - Tulku ThondUP
book cover radical remission cancer treatments

“Vitae purus ante enim, nec iaculis proin erat in nullam ipsum ut in vitae nec aliquam at mattis fermentum sagittis.”

Radical RemissioN - kelly A. Turner

“Commodo viverra platea sed mauris ac, aliquam pellentesque dui, etiam tortor, tincidunt ipsum ac at mi id vitae pretium ac vulputate odio varius.”

Toxic - Dr neil Nathan


Just another person with chronic illnesses completely traumatised by the medical system and society in general. Veteran of ME/CFS, fribromialgia, Lyme and Epstein Barr Virus,  CIRS, MCS, and now Aspergillosis.   

I wish I could write that I am in remission (I was) and living my best life in Costa Rica, but I can’t, maybe soon.  At the moment I spend my time wrestling with  Aspergillosis,  writing this blog, dabbling in  graphic design (check out my series of edu-graphics about various food protocols)  and  other non-digital  creative endeavours like music and drawing.  I plan  to become a certified bioresonance therapist.

 Since 2010 I have been involved in the Quantified Self/biohacker movement, FORMER tech lover (hello EMF sensitivity),  former Phd student and designer in the field of digital media and health,  I still spend too much time over my laptop.  

,Since the mold madness started, I have been traveling all over Europe, looking for “the location effect” and  different treatments in some pretty beautiful places, it’s not all bad.