
All My Treatments for Lyme

Disclaimer: because pictures of bacteria and parasites and viruses and all sorts of bugs are often creepy and upsetting, I decided to add cartoon eyes to all of them. That is NOT an accurate representation of Borrelia burgdorferi. Among my various issues, Lyme seemed to be pretty tangential, and I never ever connected the dots …

All My Treatments for Lyme Read More »

Chronic Illness: Treating the Unknown/My ME/CFS story

There are two types of chronic illnesses: those certified by trusted sources, those that you find mentioned in books, those doctors have heard of, and that people respect (OK, people rarely respect chronic illness of any kind) or at least accept.  Some chronic illnesses may even earn you financial assistance during difficult times, and a …

Chronic Illness: Treating the Unknown/My ME/CFS story Read More »